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- /*
- ** $VER: blitter.h
- **
- ** Blitter Definitions
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1996-1998 DreamWorld Productions.
- ** All Rights Reserved
- */
- #ifndef DPKERNEL_H
- #include <dpkernel/dpkernel.h>
- #endif
- #define BlitModVersion 3
- #define BlitModRevision 1
- /***************************************************************************
- ** Bitmap Object.
- */
- #define VER_BITMAP 3
- typedef struct Bitmap {
- struct Head Head; /* [00] Standard structure header */
- APTR Data; /* [12] Pointer to bitmap data area */
- WORD Width; /* [16] Width */
- WORD ByteWidth; /* [18] ByteWidth */
- WORD Height; /* [20] Height */
- WORD Type; /* [22] Screen type */
- LONG LineMod; /* [24] Line differential */
- LONG PlaneMod; /* [28] Plane differential */
- struct Head *Parent; /* [32] Bitmap owner */
- struct Restore *Restore; /* [36] Restore list for this bitmap, if any */
- LONG Size; /* [40] Total size of the bitmap in bytes */
- LONG MemType; /* [44] Memory type to use in allocation */
- WORD Planes; /* [48] Amount of planes */
- WORD prvRes1; /* [50] Reserved */
- LONG AmtColours; /* [52] Maximum amount of colours available */
- LONG *Palette; /* [56] Pointer to the Bitmap's palette */
- LONG Flags; /* [60] Optional flags */
- LIBPTR void (*DrawUCPixel)(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *, mreg(__d1) WORD X, mreg(__d2) WORD Y, mreg(__d3) LONG Colour);
- LIBPTR void (*DrawUCRPixel)(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *, mreg(__d1) WORD X, mreg(__d2) WORD Y, mreg(__d3) LONG RGB);
- LIBPTR LONG (*ReadUCPixel)(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *, mreg(__d1) WORD X, mreg(__d2) WORD Y);
- LIBPTR LONG (*ReadUCRPixel)(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *, mreg(__d1) WORD X, mreg(__d2) WORD Y);
- LIBPTR void (*DrawPen)(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *, mreg(__d1) WORD X, mreg(__d2) WORD Y);
- LIBPTR void (*PenUCPixel)(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *, mreg(__d1) WORD X, mreg(__d2) WORD Y);
- /*** Private fields below ***/
- WORD prvAFlags; /* Allocation flags */
- LONG *prvPalette; /* Allocated palette pointer */
- LONG prvBytePos; /* Read/Write position */
- LONG prvPen; /* Pen colour */
- WORD prvPenRadius; /* Pen radius */
- } OBJBitmap;
- #define BMA_Data (TAPTR|12)
- #define BMA_Width (TWORD|16)
- #define BMA_Height (TWORD|20)
- #define BMA_Type (TWORD|22)
- #define BMA_Size (TLONG|40)
- #define BMA_MemType (TLONG|44)
- #define BMA_Planes (TWORD|48)
- #define BMA_AmtColours (TLONG|52)
- #define BMA_Palette (TAPTR|56)
- #define BMA_Flags (TLONG|60)
- #define BMA_DrawUCPixel (TAPTR|64)
- #define BMA_DrawUCRPixel (TAPTR|68)
- #define BMA_ReadUCPixel (TAPTR|72)
- #define BMA_ReadUCRPixel (TAPTR|76)
- #define BMA_DrawPen (TAPTR|80)
- #define BMA_PenUCPixel (TAPTR|84)
- /***************************************************************************
- ** Bitmap Types
- */
- #define INTERLEAVED 1 /* Notice that these are numbers, not flags */
- #define ILBM 1
- #define PLANAR 2
- #define CHUNKY8 3
- #define CHUNKY16 4 /* %RRRRRGGG.GGGBBBBB */
- #define CHUNKY32 5 /* $AA.RR.GG.BB */
- /***************************************************************************
- ** Bitmap Flags.
- */
- #define BMF_BLANKPALETTE 0x00000001 /* For a blank/black palette */
- #define BMF_EXTRAHB 0x00000002 /* Extra half brite */
- #define BMF_HAM 0x00000004 /* HAM mode */
- /***************************************************************************
- ** Pen shapes.
- */
- #define PSP_CIRCLE 1
- #define PSP_SQUARE 2
- #define PSP_PIXEL 3
- /**************************************************************************/
- struct RGB {
- BYTE Alpha;
- UBYTE Red;
- UBYTE Green;
- UBYTE Blue;
- };
- struct HSV {
- WORD Hue; /* Between 0 and 359 */
- WORD Sat; /* Between 0 and 100 */
- WORD Val; /* Between 0 and 100 */
- };
- struct Palette {
- LONG AmtColours; /* Amount of Colours */
- LONG Colour[256]; /* RGB Palette */
- };
- struct RGBPalette {
- LONG AmtColours; /* Amount of Colours */
- struct RGB Col[256]; /* RGB Palette */
- };
- #define PALETTE_ARRAY ((ID_PALETTE<<16)|01)
- #define DecRGB(r,g,b) ((r<<16)|(g<<8)|(b))
- #define COL_Black DecRGB(0,0,0)
- #define COL_White DecRGB(255,255,255)
- #define COL_BrightRed DecRGB(255,0,0)
- #define COL_BrightGreen DecRGB(0,255,0)
- #define COL_BrightBlue DecRGB(0,0,255)
- #define COL_Grey DecRGB(128,128,128)
- #define COL_LightGrey DecRGB(192,192,192)
- #define COL_DarkGrey DecRGB(64,64,64)
- /***************************************************************************
- ** Restore Object.
- */
- #define VER_RESTORE 1
- typedef struct Restore {
- struct Head Head; /* Standard header */
- WORD Buffers; /* Amount of screen buffers - 1, 2 or 3 */
- WORD Entries; /* Amount of entries 1 ... 32k */
- struct Head *Owner; /* Owner of the restorelist, ie bitmap */
- /*** Private fields below ***/
- struct RstEntry *List1;
- struct RstEntry *List2;
- struct RstEntry *List3;
- struct RstEntry *ListPos1;
- struct RstEntry *ListPos2;
- struct RstEntry *ListPos3;
- } OBJRestore;
- /**** This structure is -completely- private ***/
- struct RstEntry {
- struct RstEntry *Next; /* Next restore entry in the chain */
- struct RstEntry *Prev; /* Previous restore enty in the chain */
- APTR Bob; /* Bob structure belonging to the restore [*] */
- APTR Address; /* Screen pointer (top of screen) [*] */
- APTR Storage; /* Background storage or NULL */
- APTR Control; /* Controls from the lookup table */
- APTR ConMask; /* The control mask to use */
- WORD Modulo1; /* Modulo C */
- LONG Modulo2; /* Modulos A/D */
- WORD BlitWidth; /* [*] */
- WORD BlitHeight; /* [*] */
- };
- #define RSA_Buffers (12|TWORD)
- #define RSA_Entries (14|TWORD)
- #define RSA_Owner (16|TAPTR)
- /***************************************************************************
- ** Bob Object.
- */
- #define VER_BOB 1
- #define TAGS_BOB ((ID_SPCTAGS<<16)|ID_BOB)
- typedef struct FrameList {
- WORD XCoord;
- WORD YCoord;
- } OBJFrameList;
- typedef struct Bob {
- struct Head Head; /* [00] Standard structure header */
- LONG emp1; /* [12] */
- LONG emp2; /* [16] */
- struct FrameList *GfxCoords; /* [20] Pointer to graphic frame coordinates */
- WORD Frame; /* [24] Current frame */
- WORD emp3; /* [26] */
- WORD Width; /* [28] Width in pixels */
- WORD ByteWidth; /* [30] Width in bytes */
- WORD XCoord; /* [32] To X pixel */
- WORD YCoord; /* [34] To Y pixel */
- WORD Height; /* [36] Height in pixels */
- WORD ClipLX; /* [38] Left X border */
- WORD ClipTY; /* [40] Top Y border */
- WORD ClipRX; /* [42] Right X border */
- WORD ClipBY; /* [44] Bottom Y border */
- WORD FPlane; /* [46] 1st Plane to blit to (planar only) */
- WORD Planes; /* [48] Amount of planes */
- WORD PropHeight; /* [50] Expected height of source bitmap */
- WORD PropWidth; /* [52] Expected width of source bitmap */
- WORD Buffers; /* [54] Relevant only to restore mode */
- LONG PlaneSize; /* [56] Size of source plane (planar only) */
- LONG Attrib; /* [60] Attributes like CLIP and MASK */
- struct Bitmap *SrcBitmap; /* [64] Source Bitmap */
- WORD MBReserved1; /* [68] Reserved, in use by MBob */
- WORD emp4; /* [70] */
- APTR Source; /* [72] Pointer to source object */
- APTR *DirectGfx; /* [76] Pointer to direct frame list */
- struct Bitmap *DestBitmap; /* [80] Destination Bitmap */
- struct FrameList *MaskCoords; /* [84] Pointer to mask frame coordinates */
- APTR *DirectMasks; /* [88] Pointer to direct frame list */
- struct Bitmap *MaskBitmap; /* [92] */
- WORD AmtFrames; /* [96] Amount of frames in frame/direct list */
- /*** Private fields start now ***/
- WORD prvStoreSize; /* 4/8/12 Sizeof one store entry (MBob's) */
- APTR prvStoreBuffer; /* A/B/C [0/4/8] storage pointer (MBob's) */
- WORD prvStoreMax; /* Maximum store position */
- APTR prvStoreMemory; /* Master storage pointer (for the freemem) */
- WORD prvStoreCount; /* Counter for store, 0, 4, 8 */
- BYTE *prvStoreA; /* Storage buffer 1 */
- BYTE *prvStoreB; /* Storage buffer 2 */
- BYTE *prvStoreC; /* Storage buffer 3 */
- APTR prvDrawRoutine; /* Routine for drawing/clearing/storing */
- APTR prvClearRoutine; /* Routine for clearing */
- APTR prvRestoreRoutine; /* Routine for restoring/clearing */
- APTR prvHeightRoutine; /* Replaces BS_DrawRoutine for large heights */
- LONG prvScreenSize; /* Size of destination plane */
- WORD prvModulo; /* Bob Modulo (PicWidth-BobWidth) */
- WORD prvMaskModulo; /* Mask Modulo (BobWidth-BobWidth for GENMASK) */
- APTR prvMaskMemory; /* Master mask pointer (for the freemem) */
- WORD prvMaxHeight; /* Maximum possible height, limited by blitter */
- WORD prvScrLine; /* Size of a line (for interleaved) */
- WORD prvBobLine; /* Size of a Bob line (Width*Planes) */
- WORD prvMaskLine; /* Size of a Mask Line (Width*Planes) */
- WORD prvTrueWidth; /* The true pixel width (++shift) */
- WORD prvTrueBWidth; /* The true byte width (++shift) */
- WORD prvTrueWWidth; /* The true word width (++shift) */
- WORD prvClipBLX; /* ClipLX, byte */
- WORD prvClipBRX; /* ClipRX, byte */
- WORD prvModuloC; /* Modulus (C) */
- WORD prvModuloB; /* Modulus (B) */
- WORD prvModuloA; /* Modulus (A) */
- WORD prvModuloD; /* Modulus (D) */
- WORD prvNSModuloC; /* NSModulus (C) */
- WORD prvNSModuloB; /* NSModulus (B) */
- WORD prvNSModuloA; /* NSModulus (A) */
- WORD prvNSModuloD; /* NSModulus (D) */
- WORD prvWordWidth; /* The word width */
- BYTE prvAFlags; /* Allocation flags */
- BYTE prvPad; /* Empty */
- struct GScreen *prvScreen; /* Destination Screen (Private) */
- BYTE *prvMaskData;
- WORD prvSrcWidth; /* Source Page Width in bytes */
- WORD prvSrcMaskWidth; /* Mask page width in bytes */
- } OBJBob;
- #define BBA_GfxCoords (20|TAPTR)
- #define BBA_Frame (24|TWORD)
- #define BBA_Width (28|TWORD)
- #define BBA_XCoord (32|TWORD)
- #define BBA_YCoord (34|TWORD)
- #define BBA_Height (36|TWORD)
- #define BBA_ClipLX (38|TWORD)
- #define BBA_ClipTY (40|TWORD)
- #define BBA_ClipRX (42|TWORD)
- #define BBA_ClipBY (44|TWORD)
- #define BBA_FPlane (46|TWORD)
- #define BBA_Planes (48|TWORD)
- #define BBA_PropHeight (50|TWORD)
- #define BBA_PropWidth (52|TWORD)
- #define BBA_Buffers (54|TWORD)
- #define BBA_Attrib (60|TLONG)
- #define BBA_SrcBitmap (64|TAPTR)
- #define BBA_Source (72|TAPTR)
- #define BBA_MaskCoords (84|TAPTR)
- #define BBA_MaskBitmap (92|TAPTR)
- #define BBA_SourceTags (TSTEPIN|TTRIGGER|72)
- /***********************************************************************************/
- #define VER_MBOB 1
- #define TAGS_MBOB ((ID_SPCTAGS<<16)|ID_MBOB)
- typedef struct MBob {
- struct Head Head; /* [00] Standard structure header */
- APTR emp1; /* [12] */
- APTR emp2; /* [16] */
- struct FrameList *GfxCoords; /* [20] Pointer to graphics frame list */
- WORD AmtEntries; /* [24] Amount of entries in the list */
- WORD emp3; /* [26] */
- WORD Width; /* [28] Width in pixels (optional) */
- WORD ByteWidth; /* [30] Width in bytes */
- struct MBEntry *EntryList; /* [32] :MB: Pointer to entry list */
- WORD Height; /* [36] Height in pixels */
- WORD ClipLX; /* [38] Left X border */
- WORD ClipTY; /* [40] Top Y border */
- WORD ClipRX; /* [42] Right X border */
- WORD ClipBY; /* [44] Bottom Y border */
- WORD FPlane; /* [46] 1st Plane to blit to (planar only) */
- WORD Planes; /* [48] Amount of planes */
- WORD PropHeight; /* [50] Expected height of source picture */
- WORD PropWidth; /* [52] Expected width of source picture */
- WORD Buffers; /* [54] Relevent only to restore mode */
- LONG PlaneSize; /* [56] Size of source plane (planar only) */
- LONG Attrib; /* [60] Attributes like CLIP and MASK */
- struct Bitmap *SrcBitmap; /* [64] Source Bitmap */
- WORD EntrySize; /* [68] Entry size (sizeof(struct MBEntry)) */
- WORD emp4; /* [70] */
- APTR Source; /* [72] Pointer to source object */
- LONG *DirectGfx; /* [76] Pointer to direct frame list (R) */
- struct Bitmap *DestBitmap; /* [80] The MBob's destination Bitmap */
- struct FrameList *MaskCoords; /* [84] Pointer to masks frame list */
- LONG *DirectMasks; /* [88] Pointer to direct frame list (R) */
- struct Bitmap *MaskBitmap; /* [92] */
- WORD AmtFrames; /* [96] Amount of frames in frame/direct list */
- /*** Private fields start now ***/
- WORD prvStoreSize; /* 4/8/12 Sizeof one store entry (MBob's) */
- APTR prvStoreBuffer; /* A/B/C [0/4/8] storage pointer (MBob's) */
- WORD prvStoreMax; /* Maximum store position */
- APTR prvStoreMemory; /* Master storage pointer (for the freemem) */
- WORD prvStoreCount; /* Counter for store, 0, 4, 8 */
- APTR prvStoreA; /* Storage buffer 1 */
- APTR prvStoreB; /* Storage buffer 2 */
- APTR prvStoreC; /* Storage buffer 3 */
- APTR prvDrawRoutine; /* Routine for drawing/clearing/storing */
- APTR prvClearRoutine; /* Routine for clearing */
- APTR prvRestoreRoutine; /* Routine for restoring/clearing */
- APTR prvHeightRoutine; /* Replaces BS_DrawRoutine for large heights */
- LONG prvScreenSize; /* Size of destination plane */
- WORD prvModulo; /* Bob Modulo (PicWidth-BobWidth) */
- WORD prvMaskModulo; /* Mask Modulo (BobWidth-BobWidth for GENMASK) */
- APTR prvMaskMemory; /* Master mask pointer (for the freemem) */
- WORD prvMaxHeight; /* Maximum possible height, limited by blitter */
- WORD prvScrLine; /* Size of a line (for interleaved) */
- WORD prvBOBLine; /* Size of a Bob line (Width*Planes) */
- WORD prvMaskLine; /* Size of a Mask Line (Width*Planes) */
- WORD prvTrueWidth; /* The true pixel width (++shift) */
- WORD prvTrueBWidth; /* The true byte width (++shift) */
- WORD prvTrueWWidth; /* The true word width (++shift) */
- WORD prvClipBLX; /* ClipLX, byte */
- WORD prvClipBRX; /* ClipRX, byte */
- LONG prvModulo1; /* Modulus (C/B) */
- LONG prvModulo2; /* Modulus (A/D) */
- LONG prvNSModulo1; /* Modulus (C/B) */
- LONG prvNSModulo2; /* Modulus (A/D) */
- WORD prvWordWidth; /* The word width */
- BYTE prvAFlags; /* Allocation flags */
- BYTE prvPad; /* Empty */
- struct GScreen *prvScreen; /* The MBob's destination Screen */
- BYTE *prvMaskData;
- WORD prvSrcWidth; /* Source Page Width in bytes */
- WORD prvSrcMaskWidth; /* Mask page width in bytes */
- } OBJMBob;
- #define MBA_GfxCoords (20|TAPTR)
- #define MBA_AmtEntries (24|TWORD)
- #define MBA_Width (28|TWORD)
- #define MBA_EntryList (32|TAPTR)
- #define MBA_Height (36|TWORD)
- #define MBA_ClipLX (38|TWORD)
- #define MBA_ClipTY (40|TWORD)
- #define MBA_ClipRX (42|TWORD)
- #define MBA_ClipBY (44|TWORD)
- #define MBA_FPlane (46|TWORD)
- #define MBA_Planes (48|TWORD)
- #define MBA_PropHeight (50|TWORD)
- #define MBA_PropWidth (52|TWORD)
- #define MBA_Buffers (54|TWORD)
- #define MBA_Attrib (60|TLONG)
- #define MBA_SrcBitmap (64|TAPTR)
- #define MBA_EntrySize (68|TWORD)
- #define MBA_Source (72|TAPTR)
- #define MBA_MaskCoords (84|TAPTR)
- #define MBA_MaskBitmap (92|TAPTR)
- /***************************************************************************/
- typedef struct MBEntry { /* MBob Entry Structure */
- WORD XCoord;
- WORD YCoord;
- WORD Frame;
- } OBJMBEntry;
- #define MBE_SIZEOF (sizeof(struct MBEntry))
- /* Bob Attributes (Bob.Attrib) */
- #define BBF_CLIP 0x00000001 /* Allow border clipping */
- #define BBF_MASK 0x00000002 /* Allow masking */
- #define BBF_STILL 0x00000004 /* This bob is not moving */
- #define BBF_CLEAR 0x00000008 /* Allow automatic clearing */
- #define BBF_RESTORE 0x00000010 /* Allow automatic background restore */
- /*#define 0x00000020 */
- #define BBF_FILLMASK 0x00000040 /* Fill any holes in the mask on generation */
- #define BBF_GENONLY 0x00000080 /* Create masks but do not use them yet */
- #define BBF_GENMASKS 0x00000082 /* Create and use masks for drawing this bob */
- #define BBF_CLRMASK 0x00000100 /* Use masks when clearing */
- #define BBF_CLRNOMASK 0x00000000 /* Do not use masks when clearing (default) */
- #define BBF_GENMASK BBF_GENMASKS /* Synonym */
- #define SKIPIMAGE 32000
- /****************************************************************************
- ** Pixel list structures.
- */
- typedef struct PixelEntry {
- WORD XCoord;
- WORD YCoord;
- LONG Colour;
- } OBJPixelEntry;
- typedef struct PixelList {
- WORD AmtEntries;
- WORD EntrySize;
- struct PixelEntry *Pixels;
- } OBJPixelLIst;
- #define SKIPPIXEL -32000
- #define PIXELLIST(a)
- /***************************************************************************/
- #define BSORT_X 0x00000001
- #define BSORT_Y 0x00000002
- #define BSORT_DOWNTOP 0x00000004 /* From Bottom to top */
- #define BSORT_RIGHTLEFT 0x00000008 /* Right to Left */
- #define BSORT_LEFTRIGHT 0x00000000 /* Default */
- #define BSORT_TOPDOWN 0x00000000 /* Default */
- #endif /* GRAPHICS_BLITTER_H */